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Colour Conversion Chart

Anchor Marlitt (rayon) DMC Six Strand Rayon Floss art1008

Marlitt DMC Marlitt DMC Marlitt DMC Marlitt DMC DMC Marlitt
800 35200 832+ 30993 863* 30915 1012 30746 1055 -
801 30310 834 30991 864 - 1013 30745 1056 -
810* 30702 835+ 30322 867 30972 1017 30666 1058* 30368
811* 30700 836 30797 868+ 33820 1019 30776 1059 33325
812 30700 838 30820 869+ 30976 1029+ 30472 1066+ 33814
813* 33689 839 30301 870* 30415 1030 30704 1067* 30909
814+ 30602 843 30321 872+ 30543 1032* 30702 1069 -
815 - 844 - 879+ 30899 1033+ 30469 1072 30839
816* 30211 845 30415 881+ 30326 1034 30712 1077 30726
817 - 846+ 30414 893+ 30321 1036+ 30739 1078* 33820
819+ 30552 848 30726 894* 30956 1037+ 30738 1079 30976
820+ 30726 850 30741 895 - 1039* 30435 1140 30898
821 30973 852 30895 897+ 30367 1040* 30300 1207 33733
822 30742 853+ 30895 1001 - 1042* 30352 1209+ 30814
826+ 30580 854* 30606 1003+ 30301 1044* 30352 1211* 33685
827 - 857+ 30553 1007 30211 1045 - 1212+ 30712
830* 30351 858* 30550 1009+ 30813 1052+ 30964 1213 30818
831 30351 850+ 30550 1011+ 30581 1053* 30996 1214* 30554

* indicates a close match        + indicates an approximate match

NOTE: This chart has been formulated only as a guide to assist you in selecting colours. Please use you own judgement in making the final decision on colour interpretation.